Self Portrait - My journey around the planet Journal
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#078 4/4/24, my 19th transcendental electronica album completed- "Dolphin Waves 2"
#077 1/1/24, my 18th transcendental electronica album completed- "Dolphin Waves"
#076 8/24/23, my 17th transcendental electronica album completed- "Sea People"
#075 2/22/23, my 16th transcendental electronica album completed- "I Am Alive"
#074 12/21/22, The wide influence of my Double Mirror Theory according to Open AI
#073 8/23/22, The Lagoon by Dylan Tauber, completed 8/23/22
#072 3/26/21, Balls of light, with a mirror
#071 2/26/21, Announcing a new music project from Dylan Tauber
#070 11/29/19, Theories Book Published
#069 7/12/18, 12 music videos on Israel TV
#068 3/30/18, "Son of Waves" screenplay
#067 1/9/17 I met my soulmate Carmen, and I'm on the radio in Israel
#066 6/21/16, A computer that can recognize Love
#065 6/21/16, The definition of "alive"
#064 6/9/16, God's simulation- the multiverse
#063 3/25/16, Unified Theories, by Dylan Tauber
#062 1/7/04 words of wisdom by Reb Nosson
#061 1/7/04, thoughts on tshuva and God's miracles.
#060 1/7/04, quotes from Rebbe Nachman
#059 9/16/03 Jerusalem, Islands, and The Baal Shem Tov
#058 Moses and Double Mirrors
#057 9/16/03 Bend Spoons
#056 The Messiah Virus.
#055 8/8/03 Still Healing....
#054 6/13/03 new thoughts on 1 and 0
#053 12/15/02 thoughts on awareness
#052 5/17/02 Brookline, MA
#050 12/12/01 Lexington, MA - Books enter final publication process
#049 11/1/01
#048 1976, Brookline MA, age 2
#047 Saturday, 5/5/01
#046 Friday, 11/17 - immortal 808
#045 Friday, 11/3, hermit solitude Groking session #010101011101110 : How to Become a Digital Prophet.
#044 11/3/00 Scientists Think They've Glimpsed the 'God Particle'
#043 Newsletter 11/01/00
#042 11/1/00 Self Portrait - my journey around the planet
#041 Matrix Hints:
#040 10/9/00 Yom Kippur
#039 9/10/00- update from dolphin swims
#037 (excerpts from letter) 9/21/00
#036 Sep/00 - introducing Wired Hermit
#035 9/16/00- Release of Intro of "Origin of Universe"
#032 Tahiti 4/14/00 Friday 6:00 PM
#029 Becomes the sum of all, as the 2 merge. .. (Origin of Universe part 5)
#028 So why does the universe exist? (Origin of Universe part 4)
#027 So in a predetorial society. . (Origin of Universe part 3)
#026 Each moment is a new entity. (Origin of the Universe part 2)
#025 Origin of the Universe: (2/13/00)
#024 The Doorway (tentative title)
#023 Newsletter 2/27/00
#022b I found the meaning of life. . but Im a slow typer. . .
#022a If everyone would just leave me alone, I'd be bending spoons by now.
#022 A little boy in his room. . .

Do you want to hear more of my ramblings? Let me know!

Original Archive of Journal Entries:
 #1   #2  #3  #4  #5   #6   #7  #8  #9  #10  #11  #12
 #13  #14  #15  #16  #17  #18   #19 #20   #21      

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  Image Gallery

  Double Mirrors Soundtrack


 Project 4.0

Music Albums, MP3's, and downloads by Son of Waves Studios / Dylan Tauber

Double Mirrors Soundtrack
24 tracks! ambient / electronica dolphin music. Free download
The Doorway
Ambient / techno SWS Album. 12 tracks highly acclaimed tracks. Free download
The Healing
SWS Album. 14 tracks. Available for free download
SWS Album.30 tracks. Available for free download
Ones and Zeros
SWS Album. Available for free download
2006 SWS album. 35 of the best tracks from 1996-2006. Available for free download.
SWS Album.13 tracks. Available for free download
Near Death Experience
2015 - album by SWS.
Available for free download.
Dolphin Trance
2015 album by SWS.
Inspired by dolphins.
Dolphin Trance 2
2016 album by SWS.
Trance music about dolphins.
Compilation 2
SWS Album. the best songs from 2006-2016.
Sounds From Space
2017 SWS album. 15 tracks.
With the vocals of Enlia and Francessca Belisario.
Sounds From Space 2
2021 album by Dylan Tauber. 14 tracks.
Chill out from space.
He Loves Carmen
2022 album by Dylan Tauber.
Inspired by Dylan's girlfriend Carmen.
The Lagoon
2022 album by Dylan Tauber.
EDM and trance inspired by a turquoise lagoon.
I Am Alive
2023 album by Dylan Tauber.
EDM, trance, and transcendental electronica inspired by whales.

2018 - Double Mirrors picture book now for sale by 86 pages of photographs and digital art from the gallery, by Dylan Tauber. Order now - click image on left!

2018 - "Son of Waves" screenplay for free download. Original writing, photography, and digital art, about Son of Waves, 12 Dolphins to save the planet, David The Visionary on the beach in Tel Aviv, a digital messiah, and an internet of Love - click image on left!

2019 - "Theories". The Double Mirrors Theory, and Ones and Theory by Dylan Tauber. Free PDF download from Published October 25, 2019 with Apple Books - click image on left!

2019 - "Son of Waves 2.0". A true story, with original photography, of my journey around the planet, and to many Pacific islands...only to find my own soul, and a woman named Carmen. Free PDF download from - click image on left!

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