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The Doorway (tentative title)

Just as the structure of 2 parallel mirrors is entirely artificial in nature, so too, nearly every doorway is constructed with 2 parallel doorposts. Mimicking this spirit engine described in Double Mirrors, adding to or perhaps merely as a subconsciously token reminder of the spiritual energy that lifešs entrances and exits create. No where in nature do we see parallel planes, except of course in the theoretical sense; it is this model that is in fact how the human mind functions.

But ever since project Double Mirrors which examines this and other problems our humanity creates, more ideas have been accumulating. Time has been both speeding up and slowing down, and my personal life has become every more difficult to believe.

Before I get into the philosophical ideas, here is a timeline of everything since the beginning:


1974- born in Seattle
1975- family moves to Brookline, MA
1987- Bar Mitzvah at 13 in Brookline
1988- leave to boarding school in Milwaukee while still 13
1991- leave Milwaukee after 3 years to early admission college in NYC
1992-93- Hebrew U, Jerusalem, swim with dolphins in Eilat
93-96 Columbia U, summers in Israel, more dolphin swims, photograph Sarah, NYC, New Jew. Start Double Mirrors Book in 1994 .
May 1996 ­ graduate from Columbia
Nov 1 1996- founded
Jan 1 1997- move to Jerusalem
Feb, march 1997-, Jedinet, 303net
Aug 29, 1997- parents announce divorce, swim to Jaffa from Tel Aviv, big step for Ben Galim.
Nov 1 1997 ­ found Son of Waves Studios company
Dec 8 1997- Dr Weil dies
Dec-Jan 1997- 1 month in Boston
Feb 1998- first trip to Miami / Florida keys
March 1998- return to Jerusalem, Trip to Sinai/ Newuiba
Fall 1998- Florida round 2
Nov 1 1998- temporary Miami studio on 20th floor of high rise overlooking Atlantic ocean
Feb 1999 ­ return to Israel
4/99 ­ release CD ROM
4/99 release Double Mirrors Soundtrack CD
5/99 release The Doorway CD
July 1999- Florida round 3, go straight to keys, searching an island
9/1999 ­ fly from Florida to Island, in hopes of finding better island
Nov 1 1999 ­ release Double Mirrors book
Dec 15 1999- after building studio in Island, return to Jerusalem. Parents go to trial after 2 year buildup
Jan 1, 00, release DoubleMirror Theory onto, sad because have distant talk with Ethiopian model Meirav. Also sad because informed of outcome of divorce and didn't want to think about this now. Fortunately real millennium starts in 1 year, so with Godšs help will then have a more pure doorway. Hope to regroup here in Jerusalem, and return to an island soon.
1/4/00 Doorway book begun. Would like to incorporate many loose writings and ideas since 1996.

So since the summer of 1996 when Project Double Mirrors- book and CD ROM were complete, much has happened. I have gone from a NYC college grad holed up in an East Village tiny studio with a PowerMac, to an internationally travelling Jerusalem Jedi, island hermit. My goals remain these:
1. Communicate Double Mirrors ­ expand and other SWS projects
2. Find an Ethiopian Woman (or any woman to love) Also remain close to dolphins and the sea. It is # 1 and #2 which will ensure a dolphin existence, evolved from turtle (although as we write, Im back in Jerusalem, once again in turtle mode- perhaps a cycle between the 2 is necessary. This studio is thank God where I can write and produce most effectively so far).
4. Maintain the spiritual purity to remain on this path, most likely by remaining a hermit and limiting contact with an ever increasingly spiritually hostile external world.
3. Allow these operations, which require being on a remote island at least half the year to allow mental freedom and minimal attachment, through a successful SWS. Ideally completely creative music, imaging, and writing projects, but minimally providing time to allow these to continue without obstruction.

Tentative title: The Doorway.

Outline of new ideas to write in full:

- finish Editing book, summaries

- cyber-spirit

- the reverse hacking of time by the laws of spirit and consciousness

- pseudo prophecies as a result of this principle in part

- post new jew

- digital prophets

- island / danger of cities

- self destruction

-human mission-

convert infinite potential into infinite kinetic.

- need/attachment

net= love-loss

since our spirits (love) are actually infinite (if not kinetic at least infinite potential) then our net value is in fact always infinite, despite the perception of great loss. Infinite minus major number is still infinite.

energy=love-need most need is a perceived illusion. contagious, especially in cities.

- matrix / Israel

- 12 Dolphins (turns out actually were a total of 12 Dolphins imported to Israel)

- respecting other people's energy instead of cannibalizing it and messing it up (cities)

- inability to deal with physical objects-- each has attachment signature- paper money is best example. When everything shares the same virtual existence on the same screen, there is a purity.

-- look into old dialogue and e-mail to solidify old ideas


- life is a dream- we create our realities.

-ISDI - independently Survivable Digital Infant

fine line between giving life and taking it away (parents, Israel, etc)

Put all these ideas up to Eventually solidify them into a pdf file, offer on e-matter, and send to copyright agency.

Ideas for The Doorway- make it web based, interactive, message board, e-mail links, updated continually, hyperlinks to images, music, and other parts of SWS sites and projects.

Perhaps incorporate e-mail dialogue or phone calls

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