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9/16/03 Jerusalem, Islands, and The Baal Shem Tov

I left Jerusalem in 2001 because I was no longer safe there. I ended up searching the Pacific for the ultimate island, and lived on many pacific islands including, Tahiti, Kosrea, and others. See photo:

Photography and Artwork by Dylan Tauber

And more info here:

I was inspired by the Ethiopian Priests and Levittes who left Jerusalem after the destruction of the first temple due to immorality and idol worship in Israel, and found spiritual sanctuary in remote Ethiopia. Today, the Ethiopian Jews, in my opinion represent the most pure and true example of unaltered Judaism as it was over 2,000 years ago. At least when they arrived in Israel in the 1990's, which is not long before my photographs of Ethiopian Women on this site were taken.

My search for an island has an interesting parallel in a story about the founder of the Jewish Hasidic movement, The Bael Shem Tov which I came across recently. Hasidic stories are meant to provide values and spiriual lessons. This one is by Zalman M. Schachter-Shalomi. It might be a little confusing for those without a background knowledge of traditional Judaism, but I thought I would provide the link anyway.


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