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12/12/01 Lexington, MA - Books enter final publication process

Final revisions are approved and my 2 books, Double Mirrors, and The Doorway have entered the final publication process.

One note I would like to make which is something to think about.. . . Moses climbed Mount Sinai and spoke with God. . he came down holding 2 stone tablets. . . this can be thought of as an expression of Double Mirrors 4,000 years ago. Of course the tablets were engraved with the ten commandments, as if to say a vision of truth must not be seperated from ethics and morality.

So this is a powerful example of the universality of truth, where every path of truth ends with a vision which at its deepest level is identicle to every other vision of truth. Hear O Israel, The Lord is our God, God is One.

Without God's help I am nothing.

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