Dylan Tauber has published 5 books, and a picture book:

 1. Theories: by Dylan Tauber - 34 pages, The Double Mirrors Theory, and Ones and Theory by Dylan Tauber Free PDF download from DoubleMirrors.com. Released October 25, 2019, and as a paperback on Amazon.com on 11/29/19. See larger cover. See full paperback cover.

 2. Son of Waves Volume 2: a new short story by Dylan Tauber - 35 pages, including many original photographs, digital art, and a 21 track original electronica soundtrack by Dylan Tauber, about his journey around the planet beginning and ending in Israel. Free download from SonofWaves.promo. Ebook Released May 28, 2019, and as a paperback on Amazon.com on 3/21/20. See larger cover. See full cover.

 3. Son of Waves: A Screenplay by Dylan Tauber - 36 pages, including many original photographs, digital art, illustrations, and a 21 track original electronica soundtrack by Dylan Tauber. Free download from SonofWaves.promo. Released March 30, 2018. An audiobook was released on 4/17/18 for free download as well. Paperback and Kindle versions via Amazon are available too, as well as a new flipbook version in 2019. See larger cover. See full paperback cover.

 4. Double Mirrors - Images of the Infinite: 8 X 10 inch Picture book featuring 86 pages of original photography and digital images, from the Double Mirrors.com gallery now for sale. Originally published March 2005, revised in 2018 with Blurb.com.
Order now - click here. Full preview here.

See Larger cover image

 5. Double Mirrors - 420 pages, 70 images. Published 2/1/02. Order in ebook download format for only $2.99. Read excerpt. 

See Larger cover image See 3D cover image 3D image #2

  6. The Doorway: The Infinite Regression Continues- 382 pages, 20 images. Published 2/1/02. Unpublished 12/28/19. Read excerpt.

See Larger cover image See 3D cover image 3D image #2

Click here to read reviews of the books

Son of Waves:


Son of Waves 2.0:

Double Mirrors:

Double Mirrors Theory Press Release

19,825 downloads of "Son of Waves", as of December, 2020.

"Son of Waves" Screenplay video:

"Son of Waves Volume 2" video:

 A multimedia project, Project Double Mirrors, was created to accompany the book Double Mirrors, and an an ambient / electronica soundtrack has been created to accompany each book. Please consider purchasing these albums or downloading the MP3's for the complete Project Double Mirrors and The Doorway experience.

Music Albums, MP3's, and downloads by Son of Waves Studios / Dylan Tauber

Double Mirrors Soundtrack
24 tracks! ambient / electronica dolphin music. Free download
The Doorway
Ambient / techno SWS Album. 12 tracks highly acclaimed tracks. Free download
The Healing
SWS Album. 14 tracks. Available for free download
SWS Album.30 tracks. Available for free download
Ones and Zeros
SWS Album. Available for free download
2006 SWS album. 35 of the best tracks from 1996-2006. Available for free download.
SWS Album.13 tracks. Available for free download
Near Death Experience
2015 - album by SWS.
Available for free download.
Dolphin Trance
2015 album by SWS.
Inspired by dolphins.
Dolphin Trance 2
2016 album by SWS.
Trance music about dolphins.
Compilation 2
SWS Album. the best songs from 2006-2016.
Sounds From Space
2017 SWS album. 15 tracks.
With the vocals of Enlia and Francessca Belisario.
Sounds From Space 2
2021 album by Dylan Tauber. 14 tracks.
Chill out from space.
He Loves Carmen
2022 album by Dylan Tauber.
Inspired by Dylan's girlfriend Carmen.
The Lagoon
2022 album by Dylan Tauber.
EDM and trance inspired by a turquoise lagoon.
I Am Alive
2023 album by Dylan Tauber.
EDM, trance, and transcendental electronica inspired by whales.
Sea People
2023 album by Dylan Tauber. 11 tracks.
Love of the Sea.
Dolphin Waves
2024 album by Dylan Tauber. 13 tracks
Love of Dolphins.
Dolphin Waves 2
2024 album by Dylan Tauber.
EDM and trance inspired by dolphins.
Harmony of Earth
2024 album by Dylan Tauber. 14 tracks.
EDM, trance, and transcendental electronica inspired by Earth.

2018 - Double Mirrors picture book now for sale by Blurb.com. 86 pages of photographs and digital art from the DoubleMirrors.com gallery, by Dylan Tauber. Order now - click image on left!

2018 - "Son of Waves" screenplay for free download. Original writing, photography, and digital art, about Son of Waves, 12 Dolphins to save the planet, David The Visionary on the beach in Tel Aviv, a digital messiah, and an internet of Love - click image on left!

2019 - "Theories". The Double Mirrors Theory, and Ones and Theory by Dylan Tauber. Free PDF download from DoubleMirrors.com. Published October 25, 2019 with Apple Books - click image on left!

2019 - "Son of Waves 2.0". A true story, with original photography, of my journey around the planet, and to many Pacific islands...only to find my own soul, and a woman named Carmen. Free PDF download from SonofWaves.promo - click image on left!

[info on music] [picture book] [books]

 Project DoubleMirrors (highly recommended), the Double Mirrors Soundtrack, The Doorway, 16 other music albums, and 5 books are available for download now. Just click on the links above. Available on Amazon.com Spotify, and Apple Music.

 Each book has now been released in paperback (2001) and e-book (2013) format, and is available for sale now. To be notified upon release of new material or new versions of these books, please signup to the mailing list below:

Information on the Double Mirrors book project:

An autobiographical true account of the quest to communicate an all encompassing philosophy the author refers to as the meaning of life - Double Mirrors, an idea which could either be a major advance in our understanding of human consciousness, God, love, and the universe, or else an idea we all know so fundamentally but has not yet been articulated.

Surrounded by personal anecdotes and spiritual exhibitionism, this book is an emotionally pure and immediate reaction to the problems associated with human existence in a spiritually hostile post-modern world of industrial urban decay. This same machine is the one being "hacked" (with love) to facilitate Project Double Mirrors.

After struggling with Demons including prescription medications, NYC music clubs, art professors, unscrupulous book agents, and Rabbis from his yeshiva, Dylan is finally nearing the completion of his quest to evolve to full Dolphin, now living in near seclusion on a pacific island and also Jerusalem, where his internet and multimedia studio, Son of Waves Studios, is based.

Project Double Mirrors began in 1994 in NYC while Dylan attended Columbia University and encountered an exotic dancer named Sarah and " the building where they built the bomb." The effort to communicate Double Mirrors went hardcore digital in late 1994. The Project evolved into a multimedia CD ROM project and later ambient / electronica soundtrack CD, both of which are available at https://DoubleMirrors.com

The Double Mirror Theory itself is so sensitive that for the first 5 years of this project, it has been withheld, and censored from all works associated with the Project. Now, with an island location all but secure, the millennium at hand, and with a secure method to upload this file in a pure and direct way independent of the corruptive and censoring publishing industry finally in place (thank you ematter), the time has come to release. Release 1.0 is scheduled for Nov 1, 1999.

The journey begins in the unlikely setting of a NYC times square music club and flashbacks to Rabbis of his yeshiva. The work soon evolves to spiritual discovery of Dolphins, Ethiopian Women, and vision quests in Jerusalem, and beyond. The work builds up into a page turning climax as the virtues of cyber-spirit hermit life allow Son of Waves to ultimately escape most of his demons and find peace on an island where Dylan can upload this work without distraction.

In addition to the revolutionary philosophical, literary, and humanistic implications Double Mirrors raises, the autobiographical aspect of this work can be seen as a blueprint for all creative and spiritual people looking for a path of self discovery and freedom of spirit in harmony with the world of 1's and 0's. The Cyber Spiritual revolution has begun.

Updates, additions, and revisions will follow at this site and possibly as free downloads at DoubleMirrors.com.

The work includes dozens of photographs and digital images embedded into the pdf PDF book file.

To whom it may concern:

This book is part of a project I have been working on for over 2 years. It is an effort at communication that includes a CD-ROM, 400 photographs/digitally manipulated images, and my own music soundtrack. I have been hesitant to contact any publishers / agents- you are one of the first.

Please explore DoubleMirrors.com to get a sense of my art work. If after reading the material in this directory and reviewing this site, you are still interested, I can send you a copy of my CD ROM either from Jerusalem or Miami (my two locations).

This book may make you laugh, it may make you cry, but if you allow it to enter your mind, I am sure you will be a link in the chain reaction that has already begun.

Welcome to Project Double Mirrors.

Dylan, Son of Waves

©Dylan Tauber 1996-2024.

Download the books of Dylan Tauber for free:

Download "Son of Waves" screenplay

Download "Son of Waves 2.0"

Download "Theories"

Cover art for Double Mirrors, The Doorway, Double Mirrors: Images of the Infinite, Son of Waves, Son of Waves 2.0, and Theories


All work copyright registered and protected.




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©Copyright, 1994-2024, Dylan Robert Tauber. All rights reserved.

This page was last modified Friday, 26-Apr-2024 10:01:54 EDT

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