The Project Double Mirrors CD-ROM (©1996)contains hundreds of original digital images, photographs, animation, video, and ambient/techno music, inspired by Ethiopian Women, Dolphins, virtual visionaries, the Manhattan Project, and cyber-spiritual revolution. It runs for over 2 hours, and is fully interactive. It is no longer available for sale.
The CD ROM was reviewed in Muse Magazine, Spring, 1996.[Page 1][ Page 2] In Depth Project Double Mirrors CD-ROM Review, by Jonathan M. Hamlow added 9/26/03
![]() is the internet evolution of this project, and despite the bandwidth limitations of today's internet, provides a preview of the CD-ROM. The entire Double Mirrors soundtrack is available for free download, and much of the Project can be seen in 5 Youtube video slide shows. Click the button below to see them:
And for some of the animation and video taken directly from the CD-ROM, choose from below:
Additional Excerpts in Quicktime, and Shockwave: Animation clip from 6.5 mb dolphin video 2 (Quicktime)- 6.5 MB dolphin video 3 (Quicktime)- 11.4 MB Ben Galim movie (Quicktime)- 17.5 MB Intro movie (Quicktime)- 165 kb Ying Yang movie (Quicktime)- 165 kb Virtual Visionary Animation [HTML5 Animated Intro for]
For more on the ideas and themes of Project DoubleMirrors, explore, which like the CD-ROM is organized into the following categories:
click on the buttons to go to the 8 main parts of Project Double Mirrors. contains over 100 pages, 6 sub-sites, a gallery of images, dozens of pages of writing, and many megabytes of video, streaming video, shockwave, and music, so surf around, get lost, and enjoy your swim. if you prefer to know exactly where your going, check this out: [site outline] ![]()
Image Gallery Soundtrack Video Excerpts
The cyber-spiritual revolution has begun.
The "Son of Waves" Screenplay, published in March 2018, is a story with the cyber-spiritual theme of this CD-ROM, by Dylan Tauber. To see five youtube video slide shows from Project Double Mirrors please click here. Or if you have any comments, please sign my guest book or e-mail me
All work in this site is copyright © 1996-2024, all rights reserved by Dylan Tauber. [Double Mirrors Home Page] [Image Gallery][Dolphin Vision][The Visionary][The Ethiopian Woman][DoubleMirrors][BenGalim][New Jew][Old Jew][Sarah][NYC][Jedis][Shockwave][Multimedia][text][guestbook][12 Dolphins]
Thank you for visiting Project Double Mirrors.