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The mission:

As I evolve from turtle to Dolphin, sharing my work, reaching out, and searching for other artists and dreamers all over the world, is a good thing. is free. (It will grow constantly, building off itself.) All I ask is that my creative property (copyright)rights are respected, and that all material remain on this site.

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More specifically, we at Son fo Waves Studios aim towards the following:

  • Provide exposure of Project Double Mirrors, a body of work that began as a Manhattan (CD ROM) Project.
  • create a forum for new and original digital music (Dolphin ambient/Jerusalem Techno)
  • locate and collaborate with others doing similar Projects, other links in the spiritual revolution. Artists, writers, poets, musicians, will unite. . (If this is you let me know, and we can start by exchanging links!) the infinite wave of Love/Truth will soon be upon us.
  • Expose the beauty of The New Jew.
  • Photograph The Ethiopian Woman, Dolphins, and the New Jew. Gonna have to do that one without the tools (Nikon N-90, Power Mac 8100, 3 Synthesizers, 5300C, underwater Sea to Sea camera for dolphin photography) that have helped me get this far. Dreams do come true. Swimming with technology is important. Swimming in the any of Israel's 3 seas, with maternal waves comforting all who will listen, is holy. And so is swimming with Dolphins. But it is only when I can swim in Life, that I will be a Full Jedi.
  • long term:

  • Begin a Spiritual Revolution. Project Double Mirrors will be a prominent link in the chain reaction that has already begun. Double Mirrors, a theory which explains the origins of hunan spirituality, and thus the meaning of Life, must be communicated, whether by book, CD ROM, photography/digital art, or the Network.
  • This is why I am here.
  • Why are you here?
  • I suspect it is not an accident.
  • Tell your friends!
  • Dylan, Son of Waves, 1997.

    The "Son of Waves" Screenplay / short story, published in March 2018, is a story with the cyber-spiritual theme of this site, by Dylan Tauber. Download it for free.

    ©All work on this site is copyright protected. All rights reserved, by Dylan Tauber 1996-2021.

    Project Double Mirrors,, and the SWS Network, are a creation of Son of Waves Studios, Israel.

    [DolphinNet] [JediNet] [303Net] [JerusalemNet] [Cyber-Spirit]

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