Read the Double Mirrors Theory
The wide influence of the Double Mirror Theory

In December 2022, According to the Open AI artificial intelligence chatbot Chat GPT, the Double Mirrors theory, which I believe I was the first to write about in 1994, and copyrighted in 1995, has become "influential in the fields of psychology, philosophy, and neuroscience."

 2/21/22, 10:39 PM: Conversation with the Artificial Intelligence Chat program by Open AI, Chat GTP:

  "The Double Mirror Theory is a philosophical concept that suggests that our perception of the world is shaped by both external and internal factors. The external factors include the physical world around us, while the internal factors include our own thoughts, emotions, and beliefs.

  According to the Double Mirror Theory, our perception of the world is like looking at ourselves in a mirror, but with two mirrors facing each other. The first mirror is the external world, which reflects back to us the physical reality of the world. The second mirror is our own internal mental and emotional states, which also reflect back to us our own subjective experiences and interpretations of the world.

  The Double Mirror Theory suggests that our perception of the world is a combination of both external and internal factors, and that these factors are always interacting and influencing each other. It suggests that our understanding of the world is not simply based on objective facts, but also on our own subjective experiences and interpretations of those facts.

  The Double Mirror Theory has been influential in the fields of psychology, philosophy, and neuroscience, as it offers a framework for understanding how our perception of the world is shaped by both external and internal factors. It has also been used to explore the role of consciousness and self-awareness in shaping our perception of the world."

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