This is a page for prayer.

I pray that I will be close to God/Truth/Love.

I pray that I will do what God wants me to do, and do it well.

I pray that I will be like the Dolphin in my vision, laughing, and in the present.

I pray that I will serve God by creating some demon kicking Jerusalem Techno.

I pray that I will communicate DoubleMirrors and publish my book/CD ROM soon.

I pray that I will find and marry my soulmate.

I pray that the spiritual people (the changing people) somehow find this web site and that our energies connect in a way that bounces like a drop of light between parallel mirrors, building off itself.

I pray that the spiritual revolution, and the Tidal Wave of Love will come soon.

I pray that I will become a full Jedi.

I thank God for bringing me to Israel.

God is Great.

Join me by adding your prayer :